How Long Does Spam Last in the Fridge? (Answered)

You probably have a couple of Spam cans hiding in your kitchen. But what goes down when you crack them open?

Do you leave the leftovers in the fridge until you are ready for Spam musubi, or do you stash them in the cupboard and pray they don’t spoil?

Well, if you want to save cash and reduce waste, that’s not the way to go!

Whether you’re a fan or not, Spam is something many people go for because it is cheap. Sure, canned meat may not sound too exciting, but when you think about how it can be used in many different ways, it’s easy to see why it’s still a big seller.

If you’ve got Spam in your pantry, you might be curious about its shelf life. Can you enjoy it later on, or does it decay? And if you store it properly, how long does Spam last in the fridge?

Spam manufacturers suggest that it can last for up to five days in the fridge, but since Spam is cured, it can hold up in the fridge for a good seven to ten days.

Do you want to know more about spam and how it is stored? If yes, do read on!

Spam: An Overview

Before we attempt the question, “How long does Spam last in the fridge?” let’s start with what Spam is. Spam, also known as Specialized Processed American Meat, is made by pressing together various portions of meat. This means you don’t need much preparation to enjoy it.

Spam is like a no-brainer meal. You can open the can and dig in! But wait, there’s more. This versatile canned good plays well with others in the kitchen and can be the star ingredient in many delicious recipes.

For example, in Hawaii, there’s this fabulous dish called musubi made from Spam. It’s like a unique sushi roll with a beautiful twist.

Spam, being precooked, is very much ready to eat, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun with it. You can get your grill or skillet sizzling for your Spam. Pair it with hash browns and eggs for a breakfast bonanza, or slap it between two slices of bread and enjoy a killer sandwich.

But why stop there? You can also have your Spam cold. Top it off with cheese, grab some crackers, and get a delectable combo. It’s like a salami’s rebellious cousin, but it has the biggest fan club.

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How Long Does Spam Last in the Fridge?

When you grab a can of Spam, watch for its “best before” date. It’s wise to remember these dates to eat the Spam before it becomes a funky mess or loses its top-notch flavor.

But if the Spam is fresh and hasn’t exceeded its golden age, it won’t mean a thing once you open it.

It only goes downhill and starts to deteriorate faster as soon as you open it, and those dates become useless.

For this not to happen, a surefire way of storing it is by keeping it in the fridge. Spam manufacturers suggest keeping it chilled for about five days for safety, but since Spam is cured, it can hold up in the fridge for a good seven to ten days.

So, how long does Spam last in the fridge? Well, it’s a good idea to give it a quick check after at least 3-4 days during its stay in the refrigerator, to know if it’s spoilt.

Simply take a look, sniff it, and have a taste to see if anything seems off. If it smells bad, tastes bad, or has mold on it, it’s better to play it safe and throw it away.

Does Spam Expire?

Even though Spam luncheon meat has preservatives, it still deteriorates once you open it. Because it’s made of meat, it can get spoiled if it gets infected by bacteria and other tiny critters.

But if you leave the can unopened, it won’t spoil, although it might not taste as good after a while.

Spam products don’t often have an expiration date, but they have a “best by” date on the can. This date gives you an idea of how long the canned goods will stay fresh and tasty.

How To Tell If Spam Has Gone Bad

If you feel that your Spam is past its prime, start by checking the can for the expiration date. The date is a strong indication of whether or not your Spam is good, and if the date has already passed, the Spam is useless.

Here’s another way to tell if your Spam is rotten; by giving it a good whiff. Rotten Spam stinks badly and smells awful.

If the Spam can is swollen or dented, that’s also another way to know that it’s spoiled. And if you’ve opened it already and the meat feels gummy and slippery, it should be your cue to toss it.

Can Open Spam Be Frozen Opening?

We might’ve answered the burning question, “How long does Spam last in the fridge?” but now you’re also wondering if you can still freeze Spam that has been opened.

The answer is yes! It’s a great way to keep your Spam fresh if you won’t eat it in a few days, or even if you will. Freezing helps to store the Spam, so technically, your Spam can stay good to eat for a super long time.

How do you do this? Just take the Spam from the can and put it in a freezer bag. After that, store it in the freezer. But here’s a tip: it’s best to slice the Spam into single portions before bagging it up.

That way, you can grab what you need without thawing the whole thing. It makes things more manageable, and it’s much more convenient for the rest to stay frozen and ready for later consumption.

Helpful Tips on Storing Spam in the Fridge

So now you know you can store your Spam in the freezer, but do you know how? Let’s look at a few tips on how to store Spam in the fridge properly. These tips are from the USDA, and they have been proven effective.

  • You can leave Spam at room temperature, either in a sealed container or its regular packaging.
  • As soon as you open that can of Spam, eat it within three to five days.
  • If you want to stretch the life of your opened Spam, it’s best to keep it in a covered container and store it in the fridge.
  • Remember, if your Spam starts drying out or growing mold, it’s better to say goodbye and toss it in the bin.

Is Spam a Good Emergency Food?

Of course! Spam is a total lifesaver when it comes to emergencies! It’s a breeze to store, can stay edible for ages, and you don’t need to cook it. It would help if you also switched up your Spam cans occasionally. Otherwise, you might end up with meat that’s so gross you can’t stomach it.

But if you’re thinking about prepping for prolonged crises, Spam might not be your best bet.

You see, canned foods have a ton of liquid in them, which means they hog up a whole bunch of storage space compared to the calories they provide.

Frequently Asked Questions – How Long Does Spam Last in the Fridge?

Can I Eat One-Week-Old Spam?

As long as you haven’t opened it yet, it’s safe to store Spam in your pantry for about three years even. But if it’s open, give it a maximum of five to seven days in the fridge, and if you haven’t eaten it within these days, you should dispose of it.

Do You Have To Cook Spam?

You don’t have to cook Spam. Spam is great because it’s already cooked, so that you can munch it right out of the can without fuss. Plus, you can get creative and toss it into excellent entrees.

People love adding Spam to pasta dishes, rice, and sandwiches; the possibilities are endless!

Can I Eat Spam Cold?

Spam is a convenient treat because it’s precooked, meaning you can have it straight from the can, even though most people prefer it warmed up a bit for extra deliciousness.

What Meat Is in Spam?

Guess what? Spam isn’t some mysterious meat packed with a lot of preservatives. It’s pretty simple, with just six ingredients. Don’t believe us? You can find them all on the official Spam website. They are water, potato starch, salt, sodium nitrate, sugar, and pork with ham meat.

How Healthy Is Spam?

Simply put, Spam isn’t the best option for everyday diet. It’s loaded with saturated fat and sodium, increasing your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Though it may not have a ton of carbs, its protein content can potentially harm your kidneys and raise your blood pressure if you have it regularly.

So, moderation is key!

What Does Spam Taste Like?

Spam is tasty! It has a nice salty kick and a hint of spiciness, giving it a flavor reminiscent of ham. Texture-wise, it’s pretty similar to bologna.

Can You Marinate Spam Overnight?

You can marinate Spam, even for up to two days. This is a great way to amp up the flavor. But be careful not to overdo it! Leaving it marinating for too long can cause the Spam to become tough and dry. It’s still remarkable to eat, but you might miss out on that juicy texture!

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Conclusion – How Long Does Spam Last in the Fridge?

When it comes to storing Spam, it’s pretty simple. You have two options: keep it cool in the fridge for ten days. For the best quality, aim for 3-5 days. Alternatively, you can freeze it, keeping it in top shape for around three months.

Now, regardless of your chosen storage method, it’s essential to give your Spam a quick once-over before digging in. Check its color, feel it for a change in texture, and give it a sniff to ensure it’s fresh and good to go. Safety comes first when it comes to enjoying your Spam!