Fried Vs Steamed Dumplings (Full Comparison)

Have you ever wanted to make a Fried Vs Steamed Dumplings comparison? If yes, then this article is perfect for you.

Dumplings are delightful and soothing and have many fans from different parts of the world! Preparing them is such a fun-filled activity because of their adaptability, as you can stuff them with whatever you want.

But, when it comes to preparing dumplings, most people fry or steam them. This leads to the big debate – Fried Vs Steamed dumplings: which one’s superior? How are they so different yet so alike at the same time?

This article dives into the contrasts between these two cooking styles and answers necessary questions concerning both fried and steamed dumplings. Do read on!

Fried Dumplings: An Overview

Different types of fried dumplings might be called potstickers, but not all fried dumplings fall into that category.

Simply put, a fried dumpling is cooked by frying it with either fat or oil.

The fillings inside the dumplings get cooked or heated as they sizzle away, and the outside turns crispy. Plus, there’s a subtle nutty flavor because the dumplings caramelize during frying.

You know, some fried dumplings go all out and use a combo of oil and water in the pan – it’s like a tag team of frying and steaming.

Even so, these dumplings maintain the crispy flavor of the fried variety, but the wrapper is gummier.

Steamed Dumplings: An Overview

Steamed dumplings, or Jiaozi, are like the OG Chinese dish. Often taking on a crescent shape, they’re commonly accompanied by soy sauce.

You can create these delicious bundles of joy at home by wrapping your preferred stuffing in a thin dough circle. Then just put the dumplings in a steaming basket and let them simmer in boiling water.

In the showdown between fried and steamed dumplings, the latter flaunts a cloud-like tenderness. They’re so incredibly delicate that they might even crumble if you don’t handle them with care.

So, here’s the pro tip: ditch forks or fingers and grab those chopsticks.

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Fried Vs Steamed Dumplings: Similarities

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of fried and steamed dumplings, let’s first understand why they’re alike.

1. Both Have the Same Preparation Method

Making steamed and fried dumplings follows a similar process. You first make your dumpling dough, knead, roll, and proceed with stuffing it.

2. Both Have the Same Fillings

Steamed and fried dumplings share the same fillings so you can pick whichever. It’s all up to you! Once you fill the dumplings with stuffing, close them and cook by frying or steaming.

Now that we know how they’re alike let’s talk about their differences.

Fried Vs Steamed Dumplings: Key Difference?

The difference between the two is already apparent in their names. One is fried, while the other is steamed. They both follow a pretty similar process. You knead and roll out the dough, then wrap it around your prepared filling.

You can pick whatever filling you like and the kind of dumplings you’re making. In China, scallions and pork are the go-to stuffing, but you can get creative with chicken, vegetables, or beef.

After your dumplings are ready, you can either steam or fry them, and that’s where when the contrast comes into play.

The gap between fried and steamed dumplings stands on how they’re cooked. This completely changes their feel and taste.

When it comes to fried dumplings, AKA potstickers, they’re cooked in a pan using a unique method that combines frying and steaming.

You pop them into some oil, add water, cover the pan, and let them hang out for around 10 minutes. This combo of frying and steaming gives the dumplings a crispy outside while keeping their insides nice and soft.

Fried dumplings have a nutty, caramel taste, all thanks to their oil bath. And don’t forget, the kind of oil you use plays a role in how they taste.

Steamed dumplings take the spotlight as the classic Chinese choice. You prepare them in a steamer to achieve that soft and chewy outer layer.

Steamed dumplings are squishy, juicy, and tender, with a more subdued outer taste compared to the zing of fried dumplings.

Want some crunch? Grab some fried dumplings, but if you’re into that soft touch, steamed dumplings are where it’s at.

Fried Vs Steamed Dumplings: Health Benefits

Dumplings are quite a nutritious choice, but in the case of which is better for you, steamed dumplings take the crown. They contain less oil compared to their fried counterparts.

Fried dumplings tend to have more fat, mainly because of the oil, unlike steamed ones. Additionally, the filling’s quality plays a role in the overall healthiness and nutritional value of the dumpling.

The type of meat you pick is a big deal – lean meats are a smart option for keeping fat content low.

Don’t forget, the veggies you use also influence its vitamins and minerals.

No matter which dumplings you go for, watch your portion size. It’s easy to overdo it.

Fried Vs Steamed Dumplings: Which is Better?

Well, this question is quite complicated. The comparison between steamed and fried dumplings is a classic dilemma, but fried dumplings take the trophy in this article.

Comfort food has a magical charm, and the idea of sinking your teeth into a crispy fried dumpling with a dash of soy sauce can make anyone’s cravings kick in.

Of course, your choice also hinges on what you enjoy, how you’re presenting the dumplings, and whether you’re making healthy choices. Different strokes for different folks!

What Can Dumplings Be Paired With

1. Throw Them in a Stir Fry

Throwing a few dumplings into a stir-fry is a fantastic method to incorporate them into a main course. This trick goes well with both fried and steamed dumplings!

2. Serve Them in a Broth

Though most suitable with wontons, if you have fried dumplings, they’ll taste amazing, soaked in a delicious soup with noodles.

It can work as lunch or dinner. If you’re worried about it health-wise, you shouldn’t! Adding plenty of vegetables should do the trick!

3. Serve Them with Some Rice And Veggies

Turn your dumplings into a complete meal by serving them with vegetables and rice.

It doesn’t matter if they’re fried or steamed; meat-filled dumplings provide ample protein, making for a perfect dinner when you’re in the mood for some delicious dumplings!

4. Chili Oil/Soy Sauce

One way to enjoy your dumplings is by bathing them in chili oil!

But if you don’t like the heat and you’re a fan of milder flavors, try dipping them in teriyaki or soy sauce.

Health Benefits and Nutritional Value of Dumplings


People worldwide love dumplings because they’re tasty and offer many good nutrients.

Now, let’s check out why dumplings are good for you and what they bring to the table in terms of nutrition.

Steamed dumplings have fewer calories and less fat compared to their fried counterparts. This is what makes them the healthier option.

What’s more, the oil used in making fried dumplings has a high-fat content than steamed dumplings.

Dumplings usually have a mix of nutrients like carbs, iron, vitamins B6 and B12, protein, and fiber, if the filling allows.

You should also know that dumpling dough usually contains flour, a solid source of complex carbs that also offers a bit of protein. This combo helps fuel our body’s energy production.

When you stuff dumplings with lean, protein-packed ingredients like lean meats or vegetables, it’s an intelligent way to build muscles without excess calories. It also helps you stay full for longer.

Frequently Asked Questions-Fried Vs Steamed Dumplings

Are Dumplings and Wontons the Same?

Wontons, sometimes called hun dun, are a special Chinese dumpling. They’re small, filled with bok choy and pork, and you can have them fried, steamed, or in a delicious wonton soup.

What Should You Fry Dumplings In?

The fat you use for frying dumplings affects how they feel and taste. That’s why neutral fat like butter is a good idea – it won’t change the dumplings’ flavor too much.

Are Dumplings Better Steamed or Fried?

It’s a toss-up between the satisfying crunch and rich flavor of fried dumplings and the gentler texture of the steamed ones.

But steaming is generally considered a healthier cooking option compared to frying. So, the choice is yours to make.

Are Fried Dumplings Unhealthy?

If you’re watching fat content, steamed dumplings are the top choice, followed by pan-fried ones.

How Many Calories Are in Steamed and Fried Dumplings?

Steamed dumplings consistently have fewer calories than fried ones, and the filling also plays a role.

For example, a single piece of steamed pork dumpling contains around 80 calories, whereas the fried version has about 96 calories.

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Conclusion-Fried Vs Steamed Dumplings

We hope you are satisfied with this Fried Vs Steamed Dumplings comparison.

In summary, Steamed dumplings are perfect for an elegant sit-down dinner since you can put them in a soup or pair them with sophisticated Asian dishes. It’s a delightful way to add a touch of class to your meal, and we’re here for it!

Fried dumplings, on the other hand, bring that nostalgic taste of grandma’s cooking because they’re simply irresistible!

It’s safe to say that both fried and steamed dumplings are a must-try.

Whether you whip them up at home or order them on your next dining-out adventure, you’re in for a treat that’s hard to pass up!